Load measurements on floating offshore wind turbines

Independent expertise helps you meet and overcome the challenges unique to measuring structural loads on floating offshore wind turbines.

Floating turbine designs come with a set of unique challenges. This requires modifications to existing measurement procedures, as well as a different approach to the conceptual design of the monitoring system. Challenges include:

  • Aerodynamic impact measurement without the use of a met mast
  • Hydrodynamic impacts like wave height, current direction, and current speed
  • Adaptations to the six degrees of freedom system
  • Additional mechanical load monitoring in the floating structure, mooring lines and turbine
  • Monitoring of position and geographical orientation of the floating structure
  • Estimation of uncertainties

Our engineers have undergone offshore safety training that fulfils the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) standards. They have gained experience working on offshore projects all around the world, and deliver the support you require. We record and analyse the mechanical loads on floating offshore wind turbines in accordance to the IEC 61400-13 standard. We help you with:

  • Conceptual design of a monitoring system
  • Defining a monitoring program
  • Selection of suitable sensors
  • Installation of instruments
  • Calibration of instrumentation
  • Documentation of installation
  • Remote control LOFOT monitoring
  • Transfer of recorded values into physical units
  • Transfer of data into fixed coordinate system

Additionally, full reporting is available for statistical values, equivalent loads, frequency analyses and load spectrum.

Related information

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