

エネルギー変革の次の段階では、新エネルギー導入・推進へのコミットメントが求められます。浮体式洋上風車は、風力発電用地の選定に新たな可能性を切り拓きます。浮体式風力は、よりクリーンなエネルギー供給への移行において重要な役割を担い、DNVの試算では、その発電量は現在の100 MWから2030年には10 GW、2050年には250 GWへと、世界的な成長が予測されます。  



DNVは、安全で、信頼性が高く、コスト競合力のあるプロジェクトを開発するためのデジタルツールと指針を提供することにより、浮体式洋上風力発電の商業 化を推進します。弊社は、自ら開発・定義した技術規格、国際的な活動実績、洋上技術のリスク管理における150年の経験に基づき、新技術を世界各地で展開するために必要とされる確証をステークホルダーに提供します。


Blogs, webinars and insights

Learn more about floating offshore wind


BLOG: Floating offshore wind emerges on the horizon

The myth that floating offshore wind doesn’t perform as well as bottom-fixed is on its way to being busted.


WEBINAR: Floating offshore wind

Attract financing by reducing and managing risk


WEBINAR: Realizing floating wind in APAC

Early stage de-risking considerations for the future


WEBINAR: Recent enhancements in Sesam for floating and fixed OWT

Learn how you can apply the latest features in Sesam

Projects and cases


DNV provides technology qualification services for aerodyn’s new floating offshore wind design

Innovative concept allows for a rated power of 15 MW.


DNV certifies Naval Energies’ floater design basis for floating wind farm and design methods

DNV’s comprehensive certification delivers maximum floating offshore wind stakeholder confidence


DNV provides technical and market advice to Tokyo Gas on USD 22 million investment in Principle Power floating wind technology

Technical due diligence supports draws on DNV global leadership in floating wind technology.


DNV supports Equinor with verification study for Hywind Tampen floating wind farm

The introduction of floating offshore wind could cut emissions from the oil fields by more than 200,000 tonnes per year.


DNV successfully completed technical due diligence for 25 MW Windfloat Atlantic floating wind project

Technical Due Diligence helped secure EUR 60 million from the European Investment Bank to become world’s first project-financed floating wind farm


DNV launches revised design standard and new certification guideline for floating wind turbines

The documents can be applied for the design and certification of floating wind farms, floating wind turbines or their components.

Commercializing with confidence

Floating offshore wind is opening up new possibilities for wind power locations, but faces challenges. DNV has the expertise to help this important emerging technology commercialize with confidence.