
2014年には、顧客の環境管理意識を調査しました。 3年後、企業の焦点に大きな変化があったかどうかを理解するために再検討した調査になっています。 

■調査会社の約80%、企業トップの95%は、国際的なISO 14001規格と第三者認証に基づく環境管理システムが価値を付加すると認識

In 2014 we investigated environmental management awareness and practices among our customers. Now, 3 years later, we are revisiting the topic to understand if there has been considerable change in companies' focus.

Some key findings

  • Laws and regulations (77%) together with requests from customers (50%) are the main drivers behind environmental management.
  • The push from customers has increased by 15 % since 2014.
  • The main environmental risks are related to waste disposal.
  • Leading companies in the survey deem communication with stakeholders as significantly more important than the average (71 %, versus 29 %).
  • About 80% of the companies surveyed, and 95 % of the leaders, believe that an environmental management system based on the international ISO 14001 standard and third party certification adds value. 
  • By implementing mitigating actions, the top three benefits achieved were a decrease in the number of accidents, improved relations with authorities and financial savings.

For complete findings please download the ViewPoint report below.


  ViewPoint report

ViewPoint report

Do companies care about the environment?



Download the infographic with the main findings

  ISO 14001:2015 - Guidance

ISO 14001:2015 - Guidance

An overview of the changes in the new standard.

  ISO 14001 Transition - Self Assessment

ISO 14001 Transition - Self Assessment

Assess your readiness